NOVEMBER 2023 Overview

God loves me.


"Who loves me? God loves me."


Morning Time

When you go into your baby’s room, pick them up and say: “Good morning, [baby’s name]! I’m thankful God gave you to me!”

Feeding Time

Cuddle with your baby and pray: “God, thank You for Your great love. I pray [baby’s name] will grow up knowing how much You love them.”

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your baby and pray: “God, thank You for Your great love. I pray [baby’s name] will grow up knowing how much You love them.”

Bath Time

As you give your baby a bath, look at them and say: “God loves your nose. (Touch nose.) God loves your ears. (Touch ears.) God loves your mouth. (Touch mouth.)” (Continue doing this all the way to their little toes). End by saying: “God loves you!”


“Always give thanks to God.”

Ephesians 5:20, NIrV

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