JULY 2024 Overview

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


"Who wants to be my friend forever? Jesus wants to be my friend forever."


Morning Time

When you go into your baby’s room, pick them up and say: “Good morning, [baby’s name]! Would you like to hear some good news? Jesus wants to be [baby’s name] friend forever!”

Feeding Time

While feeding your baby, think about the difference between the things that make you feel happy and the joy that Jesus gives you.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your baby and pray: “God, it’s easy to think that the things of this world will bring me joy, but I know that true joy can only come from Jesus. Thank You for loving us so much You gave us Jesus.”

Bath Time

As you give your baby a bath, look at them and say: “I have good news for [baby’s name]! God gave you Jesus, and Jesus wants to be your friend forever!”


“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

Luke 2:10, ESV

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