May 2022 Overview

God made me.


"Who made me? God made me."


Morning Time

When you go into your baby’s room, pick them up and say: “Good morning! God made you, and I’m so glad He did!”

Feeding Time

While feeding your baby, remember this— God made you and entrusted your child to you. He will help you with anything you need.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your baby and pray: “God, thank You for making the light, dark, sky, and water. Help us see You when we look at the things You made.”

Bath Time

As you give your baby a bath, say: “God made your toes and your cute little nose.” (Touch their toes and nose as you name the body parts.)


“God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV

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